Saturday, December 27, 2008

Little Bits of Island Heaven

I splashed behind the shark as he glided along the reef glad my goggles were optically corrective so I could see the danger I told my baby did not exist in the water.

*had no camera at the time so using this pic taken in the aquaratorium

Friday, December 26, 2008

Little Bits of Island Heaven

On Christmas day I fell in love at a luau with a fire dancer half my age and shot passion fruit shaved ice through my nose.
Gecko's are half as fast as they used to be, and sunsets twice as quick.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Little Bits of Island Heaven

Today I stopped combing my hair and fed my lunch to wharf cats.
They are better groomed and have more purpose in life than me.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Little Bits Of Island Heaven

Today I swam nakid in a blue lagoon and ate a 14.00 hamburger off the back of some dude's truck.

And I screamed off the top of a mountain.

* there is no internet access in the condo too down load pics and I can only post sporadically when soberish

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Little Bits of Island Heaven

I had Kahlua in my breakfast coffee and drank my lunch out of a pineapple.
I tried to cut across a church parking lot with a drink in my hand but God wouldn't let me.

Little Bits of Island Heaven

I have sand in my creaveses.
Sand not snow.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Swimming With Anvils

I dread people.
I abhor their foibles.
I feel forced to labor under their misconceptions of me.
I count seconds while they're talking.
I am repelled by their notions.
Being popular or the life of the party would be a sentence unendurable.

There is no measure by which I can express my preference for a cats purr over the embrace of a stranger.
People frequently interrupt my happiest moments to observe that I'm sulking.

Animated hosts who take me by the arm to "do the rounds" make me feel like Frankenstein in a black dress.

Oh, and if I have to listen to one more story about your trip to Florida with an empty drink in my hand I'm going to eat five pounds of rum balls and inhale the center piece candle light.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I am on vacation and will not write again until sometime next year unless Maui boars me to words.

Have a wondrous holiday.